PEEK’TURE, the intelligent monitoring of your rangelands and pastures


The connected monitoring solution for your pastures and livestock plots allows you to keep a constant eye on areas located several kilometres from the farm.

Through the data collected from the artificial intelligence analysis of the images, you can monitor in real time the areas occupied by your animals, have a follow-up of the temperatures felt and measure the water consumption at the watering points.

Easy to install and use, the PEEK’TURE solution is energy autonomous and offers you a wide-angle view of the living space available to your animals.

The tool facilitates the monitoring of dynamic rotational pastures, open-air runs for laying hens, or remote mountain pastures.

All the data collected (soil, air, water consumption) can be used to create rich dashboards and collect useful data for herd monitoring.

The solution allows an analysis by zone of the presence of the animals during the day.

Every hour, photos and video sequences are captured and then analysed to identify animal activity and resting phases.

If you would like to know more about this innovation, you can now contact us using our contact form.

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